As Covid-19 cases continue to rise across the world, many countries are moving back into full lockdown. As well as preventing people from travelling unnecessarily, these rules have seen thousands of schools closed and lessons moved online.

Helping children to learn while trying to work a full-time job is difficult and stressful. Especially when computers and tablets can be so distracting for young minds.

So how do you keep your kids on-task and out of trouble until schools re-open?

Website blacklists

The internet is a great learning resource ā€“ but thereā€™s also a lot of mature content that is unsuitable for children. Pornography, gambling, age-restricted social networks and illegal downloads are all just a few mouse clicks away.

The internet connection at your childrenā€™s is normally heavily filtered to prevent access to these sites. All web traffic passing through the connection is checked against a ā€˜blacklistā€™ of inappropriate websites. Any attempt to access one of these banned sites is automatically blocked.

You can use the same blacklist principle to help keep your kids safe online at home. Panda Dome Family includes web filtering technology to help block access to inappropriate content. Panda Dome blacklists can be set up in seconds ā€“ and the lists are automatically updated so that any ā€˜newā€™ inappropriate sites are blocked immediately. You can also add any other website that is causing distraction if required.

Parental Control

App blocking

Itā€™s not just websites that can be a problem. Perhaps your child has a favourite app or game that they find much more interesting than their schoolwork.

Schools get around this issue by preventing new apps from being installed, stopping kids from loading their own games. Often the computers will include tools to block pre-installed apps like Solitaire and Hearts too.

Again, Panda Dome Family offers similar functionality. You can quickly and easily block access to apps during school time to stop kids being distracted. And you can re-enable access just as quickly when school finishes.

Time controls

At school, your children can only use the computers when they are in the building. Usually, they are only able to get online during certain lessons, or at lunch time. This automatically limits how much time they spend sat at the computer ā€“ even if it is all learning-related.

During lockdown, kids and adults are spending longer than ever in front of their screens. Come the end of the day, you may want them to spend some time ā€˜offlineā€™ too.

Panda Dome can help you reclaim quality family time by blocking access to your home computer or mobile devices completely. This allows you to restrict access to just school hours for instance ā€“ or to lock down the device at bedtime to stop kids from gaming when they should be sleeping.

Keeping your kids safe can be easy

Teaching kids at home isnā€™t easy ā€“ but keeping them safe should be. Panda Dome Family can help you help your kids, removing distractions and inappropriate content in seconds. Which means they can focus on getting their work done and their learning doesnā€™t suffer.

You can learn more about Panda Dome Family here.