Comments on: What Is a White Hat Hacker? All the info about your cybersecurity Sun, 24 Sep 2023 04:47:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: Paula Yackel Sun, 24 Sep 2023 04:47:56 +0000 In reply to L. Wallace.

I completely agree with you…
I have had a issue now for over 5yrs.. an NO ONE CAN HELP ME!! Besides telling me to factory wipe my phone, which I’ve done several times, learned my backed up info, contacts, app info. Ect. Has been used to reinsert the software back on my phone…
Oh I have spyware on my phone, it records all my phone calls, copy’s all messages, tracks my location, has access to my email accounts, actually has complete excess to everything, even controls what I have control of.. some apps I can not remove, force stop, or change settings in anyway.. blocks premission settings from me excessing them.
I see certificate date, date started, date it ends, I have noticed, few have different month an day from the start date, most month and day are the same for end dates, year is clearly going to b different… some r 4 a yr, or lil longer, then u get some only good for 17 month, start to end, now u would think it would be 6mo., 1yr, 18mo., So on not a odd # of months, may be nothing just seems strange to me.
I get apps that just close in the middle of doing something, go open again progress is gone. Or middle of night phone lights up, an I never touched it, nothing did.. happens all day long, when calling out I hear something like someone picked up home phone seen it was in use, and hangs up, while still ringing.. I heard someone talking as I’m calling out waiting for them to answer. Had pd to find app, delete and block it..
Told problem with that is a ton of spy apps and most work the same and impossible to find sometimes even to notice..
Told 2 things watch my space, everything is stored on my phone somewhere tell spy retrieved it, so I have had to delete photos, every app but 3, one is antivirus… And get so full I can’t update any app.
2nd to watch for, is system update, spyware blocks you from all system updates, not Google apps update, actual phone system. My phone has not been able to update since last factory reset, I updated that day, an can’t ever since.. June 1, 2021… I installed back up info. And got my spyware back again..
Told not to use back up, enter all by hand, great can’t do that with apps I use.. I loss all info, and can start completely over, then I might as well stop everything I do completely, then, no way can I afford to start new just not worth it, took me yrs to gain all my work, I just can’t afford to start fresh with nothing to offer, loose every connection an prior work few past away due to covid, can’t ever replace any of that work…
U get it..
I need to no what apps they copy or bub as so I can then stop them, and start blocking all updates, downloads, without checking permissions, and app connections they use b4 allowing… I can’t b stupid on this one phone stores, professional techs, no one can find them and remove spy apps, unless they go file by file thru intire phone and each action an pg listed in all files an attached files. And to then no what app name they r hiding under in a app, is impossible, or just not worse the cost to pay someone to do it.. would cost more then new phone, and then save the money and wipe all no back up.. like new phone.. alot cheaper then buying another like I did back in 2020, & 21. Can’t afford to do it again, an told they can easily install spyware on phones, don’t need access, they send to system update with command codes, to download, if blocked next update u do it’s back… It’s a F***ing JOKE!!!

By: L. Wallace Sun, 03 Sep 2023 08:27:05 +0000 I don’t know if your making fun of me or that’s really the definition . Obviously I don’t know much about security and am being violated six ways from Sunday via the internet. I would love to be a ethical hacker as my whole life is in chaos and I trust nothing . The scammers and hustlers are having a great time since covid with screwing people over . It makes me angry that people take their knowledge of computers etc and take advantage of our lack of . I’m hoping there is a solid way to regulate and that these unethical hackers get a punishment that is befitting as a person breaking into someone’s home would if they were caught. They respect no one and use to their gain. I am afraid to do anything via my cell or computer as I really dont know how to protect myself , I’m not smart enough of patient enough to do this but am wildly cheering on the good hackers trying to protect a person’s right to privacy.

By: denise Sat, 02 Sep 2023 15:16:22 +0000 I love the website it was very informative but the only thing is that this website doesn’t credit the author. Who is the author ? If you can include it in your website as soon as possible that would be great.
