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What are the main features of Panda Dome Family?

Information applies to:

Panda Family

Panda Dome Family provides parents with the ability to locate their loved ones in real time, as well as monitoring and controlling their use of mobile devices. These are the main features:

Geolocation on a map
The product provides two views:

  • Global view, on a map, of all the members of the family (represented by a name or icon).
  • Individual view, for a specific member of the family, with more detailed information.

Location history
The product provides administrators with the ability to view all the locations of a specific device over a given period of time (30 days). The following information is displayed for each location:

  • Location (coordinates)
  • Date/time of arrival at that particular location.
  • Length of stay.
It also provides the following information:

  • Current location.
  • Stop point (place where the monitored user stayed for more than X minutes).
  • Pass-through point.
This history will be available for up to 30 days.

Geofencing alerts
The product provides the ability to set up geographical areas (geo-fences) and send alerts (push notifications + email) to the administrator when a monitored user (child) enters or leaves the specified area.

Panic button
Users have a 'panic button' available to them for emergency situations. Touching the button sends an alert to the administrator along with the device's location.

App usage control
Administrators can monitor the apps used and the time spent by children using each app. The following information is displayed for each app:

  • Time when it was run.
  • Time spent.

Additionally, the administrator can block access to certain apps all the time or at certain time intervals and/or set time limits for each app.

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