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How to change the computer boot sequence - Generic HowTo articles

Whenever you have queries on general IT knowledge, we advise you to refer to the instructions supplied by either your computer or your Operating System provider. However, here go a few general guidelines.

How to change the computer boot sequence

By changing the boot order, you can force your computer to boot from a CD/DVD drive, a floppy drive, a USB drive or even off the network. Changing the boot order on a PC is mostly done in order to boot from a recovery disk or from an OEM disk to run some kind of Windows disinfection or repair software.

Steps to follow

  1. The first thing you have to do is restart your computer and enter the BIOS. You can enter the BIOS by pressing a specific key when requested, it´s usually requested at the beginning of the computer´s boot, when the screen is still black. This key can be the SUP key or one of the functions keys (FX). In any case you’ll see a message such as Press FX to enter setup or something similar.
  2. Now that you are in the BIOS, find the boot order section. Note that there are not many options in a BIOS, so just go through every page if you have to until you see something like First Boot Device, Boot Order, Boot Management, Boot Sequence, Advanced BIOS Features or Advanced Boot Options. In the above screenshot, it is under Advanced BIOS Features. Use the arrow keys to navigate.

    As you can see, there is a First, Second and Third Boot Device. Scroll down and use the arrow keys to change the First Boot Device to CDROM, USB, Floppy or whatever unit you need to boot from.

    You could also have a BIOS that looks like this:

    In this case, the instructions for changing the boot order are in the sidebar, but usually it requires pressing the + or – buttons to move items up and down in the order list. The first item in the list displays what will be scanned first when booting, so make sure the CD-ROM, USB, floppy drive or whatever you need is at the top. If boot media is not found, it will try the second device and so on.
    Finally, go to Exit and make sure you choose Yes to the Save configuration changes and exit now? message.

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